Rebecca Patience Wandera


Rebecca Patience Wandera


Ms. Rebecca is a skilled and motivated legal assistant & researcher at our firm and contributes to our firm’s commitment to excellence. She is a lawyer holding a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Hons degree from Africa Nazarene University. She poses vast legal knowledge which enables her to offer sound legal advice to our clients. She further poses legal research and writing expertise and is greatly involved in the firm’s work.

Ms. Rebecca possesses great dispute resolution skills and is a certified mediator, trained by Amani Communities Africa Center.




Our clientele includes multinational and local companies in various sectors including public, private and professional bodies. Some of our clients include the following:

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Oseko Advocates LLP
CPA Center,
1st Floor,
Thika Road, Exit 5.

P.O. Box 100052 - 00101
Nairobi - Kenya.