Family Law Practice

What We Do Best

Family Law Practice

Our team understands the sensitive nature and bearing family matters have. We are dedicated to working towards ensuring effective legal support for your family matters by ensuring the rights and well-being of our clients is protected.

Some of our practice areas in family law include:

  1. Divorce and Separation – Our team offers comprehensive legal support, advice and representation to clients seeking divorce or separation. Our goal is to guide you through the process to ensure it is as smooth as possible while protecting your best interests.
  2. Prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements – We assist our clients to develop legally sound and binding that protect their property and reflect their financial expectations in the event of divorce or separation.
  3. Child custody – Our experienced ensure effective representation of clients in child custody matters before Court. We also help parents establish child custody and visitation arrangements that prioritize the best interests of the child while ensuring that our client’s parental rights are upheld.
  4. Child support and spousal maintenance
  5. Domestic violence and restraining orders.
  6. Mediation and collaborative law



Our clientele includes multinational and local companies in various sectors including public, private and professional bodies. Some of our clients include the following:

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Oseko Advocates LLP
CPA Center,
1st Floor,
Thika Road, Exit 5.

P.O. Box 100052 - 00101
Nairobi - Kenya.