

Public Private Partnership related Projects

Provision of legal and regulatory advisory services in the following Power Projects:

2014-to-Date Public Private Partnership between KenGen and Great wall Development Company Limited of China for the Development of Olkaria VI and VII 350MW Power Project;
2015-to-Date Public Private Partnership between KPLC and the Hydro Project Services Peter Limited for the Development of Kianthumbi Mini Hydro Power Project, in Meru County;
2015 Public Private Partnership between KPLC and the BLA Electricity Generating Company Limited for the Development of 40MW Power Project in Machakos County;
2014-to-datePublic Private Partnership for the Development of KenGen Industrial Park at Olkaria, Nakuru County;
2014Public Private Partnership between KPLC and Sosian Energy Limited for the development of 35 MW power project by Geothermal Development Company at Menengai, Nakuru County.

Provision of Legal Advisory Services in Project Management

Provision of contract administration, management and legal advisory services in the development of various energy, road and building projects in Kenya:

2017-to-Date Feasibility study for the development of the proposed 40MW Solar Power Project in Machakos County
2016-To-DateFeasibility Study for the Lamu Gas-To-Power Project in Kenya
2015-to-DateFinancing Programme Aiming at the Promotion of Private Initiatives in Green Mini-Grids, Improving Access to Electricity in Kenya
2014-to-DateImplementation of Olkaria V Power 158MW Geothermal Power Plant, High Voltage Substations and Transmission Lines and Steam Field Development
2012-2015Implementation of Olkaria IV & Olkaria I Additional Units 4 & 5 280 MW Geothermal Power Plants, High Voltage Substations and Transmission Lines and Steam field development

Design, supervision and construction of the New 10 KM Road between Olkaria I to Olkaria IV,

Design, supervision and construction of the Geothermal Plaza office Blocks at Olkaria
2011-2014Design, finance, construction and installation Ngong I Phase II and Ngong II wind Power Farms.
2010-2013Construction of a third unit and rehabilitation works of the 72 MW Kindaruma hydro power station.
2010-2012EPC Contract for Construction of Kipevu III thermal power plant project

Resolution of Disputes through Arbitration, Mediation, Construction Adjudication and Negotiation

2015-2016Construction Adjudication on a dispute between Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited and Consortium of Hyundai Engineering Company and Toyota Tsusho on the EPC contract for the Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 280 MW Olkaria 1 Units 4 & 5 Geothermal Power Plant.
2013-2015Negotiation on the dispute between KEC International Limited and Will Developers on the contract for the Construction of Sub-Stations at Dagoretti and Uplands.
2014Construction Adjudication on a dispute between Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited and S.S. Mehta & Sons Limited on the Construction of the 10 KM road between Olkaria I and Olkaria IV.
2013-2014Arbitration on a dispute between Yashinoya Trading Company and Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited on the Contract for Construction of Sites and Access Roads at Menengai.
2014Arbitration on a Dispute between Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited and Westcon Contractors Limited on the Contract for Construction of Hydro Plaza Office Blocks at Seven Forks.

Energy Related Law and Policy Reform Assignments

2015-to-dateDevelopment of the Guidelines for Natural Resources Exploitation and Development.

National Resource Development and Management Bill, 2014
2013-2015National Energy and Petroleum Policy 2015.

Energy Bill, 2015

Drafting of the Petroleum (Production and Exploitation) Bill, 2015

Drafting of the Petroleum (Local Content) Regulations 2015
2013-2014Drafting of the Climate Change Bill, 2014.
2017Development of the National Distribution Grid Code and the National Transmission Grid Code.
2017Mini-Grid Regulations.

Review, Negotiation, Drafting and Development of Power Purchase Agreements

2016Energy Purchase Agreement for Eburru Hill Geothermal Power Plant.

FiT Power Purchase Agreement for Kianthumbi Mini Hydro Power Plant.

Power Purchase Agreements for Embakasi Gas Turbine and Muhoroni 30MW Power Generating Plants
2015 Power Purchase Agreement for Olkaria IV 140MW Geothermal Power Generating

Power Purchase Agreement for Olkaria I Units 4 & 5 140 Geothermal Power Generating Plant

Energy Purchase Agreement for Ngong I phase II and Ngong II Wind Power Plant
2014Power Purchase Agreement for Kipevu III 120MW Diesel Power Generating Plant

Power Purchase Agreement for Isolated Thermal, Small Hydro and Wind Power Generating Plants

Energy Purchase Agreement for Olkaria I 45MW Power Plant

Energy Power Purchase Agreement for Sang’oro 21 MW Hydro Power Plant
2013Energy Purchase Agreement for 70MW Mobile Geothermal Wellhead Generators.

Review, Negotiation and Drafting of Financing agreements for various projects

We have reviewed, negotiated and drafted various Financing Agreements and on-lend agreements between our various clients with the government of Kenya, development partners and financial institutions. Some of the financial institutions and development partners we have been engaged include:

  • Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JICA)
  • Kreditanstalt Fur Wiederaufbau (KfW)
  • International Development Association (IDA)
  • Agence Française de Development (AFD)
  • European Investment Bank (EIB)
  • Export-Import Bank of China (EXIM)
  • International Finance Corporation
  • HSBC Bank
  • Standard Chartered Bank
  • Cooperative Bank of Kenya
  • Citibank



Our clientele includes multinational and local companies in various sectors including public, private and professional bodies. Some of our clients include the following:

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Oseko Advocates LLP
CPA Center,
1st Floor,
Thika Road, Exit 5.

P.O. Box 100052 - 00101
Nairobi - Kenya.